Wednesday, February 2, 2011

+7 pips One trade tick away from sl

It's very hard to make a profit in the way I used to. Market is moving differently and it's hard to predict it on any time frame with accuracy. This trade almost got stopped with sl at 32, it was one tick away.


Sith-Trader said...

I am doin same mistakes like u. SL 10 ticks with PT only 9 ticks. But 32 ticks SL wiht 7 ticks PT? it's too risky. IMO, should work on better entry spot.

But today's EUR is too tight. Good trade anyway

FX said...

Sorry I wasn't clear so you misunderstand it. It was level 32, 10 pips s/l from entry at 22, and profit was +14 half size pips. So it was ok setup.