But than revenge trading over leveraged and loss. Totally -5.5 % about 170 pips, more pips actually because usd/chf have smaller pip size (about 200).
Well it got to happen sooner or later. You can't go averaging and doing stupid risky trades without paying for it.
The most stupid thing was that revenge trading in big size that got my 2% loss 3 times bigger.
It happened before, it will happen again until sound trading becomes my way of trading.
When I now look at the chart it raise question what was I looking it's strong downtrend. But all other averaging trades that I made in days before were saved by doing this. So there is no thinking you just average.
I lost about 4 times more in this trade than I gained in all other averaging trades from few last weeks.
I don't feel bad now. Because I know all the time that way I trade is not good. Losses like this only can help me because they stop me and make me think.It's cold shower.
This is the way majority of losers loose. So I'm just average loosing trader. Every one of them would trade different if they could, like me.
All in all it started with recklessness, than no stops, after that being married to a position (losing one) and not acknowledging new trading reality, than bad trading by averaging. Good thing was that I finally put a stop to all of that by getting out.
Second set of trades was pure gambling like I was hitting black jack in casino. That usually came when you realise how much did you lose and you don't want to acknowledge that either. Than after some time you wake up and see that it's not working and that you lost even more. You wait some time, wait. It's going in your way so you wait again. But it's strong downtrend it resumes and finally you stop all of that.
Lucky for me it's more therapeutic now to write about that than to resume losers game by more trades.
It's always funny to me how when I lose and want to regain lost I never trade new trades in direction of established trend, always against.

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